Most rasbora species are hardy in nature, though there are some key differences in hardiness between different types of rasboras.
The hardiness and resilience of rasboras stem from the environments they originate from.
Wild rasboras inhabit streams, rivers, and rice paddies across Southeast Asia. These habitats frequently experience fluctuations in water parameters and temperatures.
As a result, rasboras have adapted their physiological tolerance to handle some variability in conditions.
Different species of rasboras vary in parameters like ideal pH range, temperature tolerance, and sensitivity to water conditions.
For example, galaxy rasboras and chili rasboras prefer soft, acidic water. They do not do as well in hard alkaline water over extended periods.
On the other hand, harlequin rasboras are adaptable to a wider pH range and harder water.

When it comes to temperature, most rasboras are tropical fish that prefer water in the 72°F – 82°F range.
However, some species like Phoenix rasboras and Boraras brigittae can even handle cooler water down into the mid-60s.
Regarding water conditions, both galaxy and chili rasboras need pristine, ultra-clean water to thrive.
Harlequins, on the other hand, have a reputation for tolerating more nitrates and poorer quality water than other rasboras.
The Phoenix rasbora is one of the most sensitive and requires excellent aquarium husbandry.
In Conclusion
Rasboras are generally resilient fish. Some species are better suited for beginner aquarists, while others present more of a challenge.
The hardiest rasboras include the harlequin, black-line rasbora, and glowlight rasbora.
More delicate species that need more specialized care are galaxy, chili, and Phoenix rasboras.
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