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FAQ.Fish Latest Articles
How to Clean a Freshwater Fish Tank? Answered
Discusses algae control, filter maintenance, water testing, substrate cleaning, and decoration/plant care.
Freshwater Fish that Goes Together: Compatibility Guide
Find the perfect combinations of freshwater fish that can coexist harmoniously in your aquarium.
Let’s Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium
A step-by-step beginner’s guide to setting up your first freshwater aquarium, answering common beginner questions.
Largest Freshwater Fish From Every Continent
A worldwide tour of record-breaking freshwater giants. From river monsters to gentle titans, each continent has its own massive fish.
Baiting Freshwater Fish with Shrimp
Learn how to use different types of shrimp as bait to catch bass, catfish, trout, panfish and more. Match the shrimp to the species for best results.
Best Algae Eaters for Freshwater Aquarium
Looking for the best algae eaters to clean your freshwater tank? This is it!
Can Rasboras Live with Angelfish? Answered
Can angelfish and rasboras coexist peacefully? Let’s find out.
Can Rasboras Live with Goldfish? Answered
Goldfish and rasboras have very different care needs and should not be housed together.
A Beginner’s Guide to Breeding Rasbora Fish
A beginner’s guide to breeding rasboras: setting up the tank, promoting spawning, raising delicate fry, and tips for harlequins, chilis, galaxies, more.