Neon Tetras do sleep. Like many other fish and living organisms, Neon Tetras have periods of rest that can be likened to sleep. However, their sleep doesn’t resemble human sleep, as fish do not have eyelids and don’t experience rapid ...
FAQ.Fish Latest Articles
A Guide to Breeding Neon Tetras

Let’s learn how to breed neon tetras! The Breeding Tank Setup To start, a specialized breeding tank is essential to create an environment ideal for spawning. I suggest a 10-20 gallon aquarium equipped with a gentle sponge filter and floating ...
What to Feed Neon Tetra Fry? Answered

Neon tetra fry need infusoria, green water, and microworms for the first 1-2 weeks. Then, transition to tiny portions of crushed flakes, frozen bloodworms, boiled vegetables, and hard-boiled egg yolks chopped finely. Reduce the feeding frequency from 4 to 2 ...
Will Neon Tetras Eat Guppy Fry? Answered

Keeping neon tetras and guppies together in a community tank is a popular choice for many aquarium owners. Both fish have peaceful temperaments and share similar water parameter needs. However, one concern when housing these two species together is whether ...
Will Neon Tetras Eat Their Own Fry? Answered

Adult neon tetras will eat their eggs and fry if given the chance. They do not intentionally prey on their young, but will opportunistically eat eggs and newly hatched fry due to the small size. Fry predation is common in ...