Complete guide to caring for platy fish including ideal tank setup, water conditions, diet, tank mates, breeding behavior and common diseases.
FAQ.Fish Latest Articles
Without Water Heaters, Can Platies Live a Healthy Life? Answered

While platies are tolerant fish, a water heater is vital for their health and well-being in a home aquarium. What is the Ideal Temperature Range for Platies? In the wild, platy fish live in the warm freshwaters of Central America ...
Can Platy Fish Live in Saltwater? Answered

TL;DR Platy fish are exclusively freshwater fish that cannot survive in saltwater environments. Their physiology is adapted to freshwater, and even brackish water would cause severe osmotic stress. In their natural habitat, Platy fish live in warm, slow-moving freshwater streams, ...
Platy Fish in Ponds: Can They Survive?

Can platy fish live in a pond? Yes, platy fish can live in a pond during warmer months with adequate space, stable water conditions, filtration, shelter, and protection from predators. However, they will require special winter care, like pond heaters, ...
Population Control Techniques to Stop Platy Fish Breeding

To stop platy fish from breeding, keep males and females in separate tanks, introduce compatible predatory fish like bettas to eat the fry, lower water temperature below 70F, and limit food to reduce pregnancies. With these methods, platy reproduction can ...
Do Platies Poop Before Giving Birth? Answered

They tend to poop frequently when pregnant
Do Platy Fish Play Dead? Answered

No, platy fish do not play dead. Platies do not exhibit any intentional playing dead or thanatosis behavior. When stressed or dying, platies may lose color and go motionless at the bottom of the tank. However, they lack the biological ...
Can Platies Change Their Gender? Male to Female and Vice-Versa

While some fish exhibit sequential hermaphroditism, changing sexes naturally as they mature, platies have fixed genders determined at birth. However, their reproductive biology offers fascinating insights into the aquatic world of sex changes. Platies are not sequential hermaphrodites – their ...
Can Platy Fish See in the Dark? Answered

While platy fish cannot see as clearly in the dark compared to daylight, they have some ability to navigate, find food, and detect predators in dim lighting because of light-sensitive rod cells in their retinas. However, complete darkness impairs their ...