The vibrant red Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae) is a stunning addition to nano aquariums.
Reaching just 0.75 inches fully grown, this peaceful fish packs huge visual impact.
With proper care, Chili Rasboras can live for 4-5 years and readily breed, producing tiny translucent fry.
Here are the Care Requirements
Tank Size and Housing
This diminutive rasbora needs an appropriately sized tank.
For a group of 6-8 fish, a heavily planted 5-gallon aquarium is sufficient, though 10+ gallons allows the schooling behavior and colors to fully shine.
Despite their size, provide them ample swimming space.
Water Parameters
Chili Rasboras tolerate a wide pH range from 6-8 but prefer slightly acidic conditions.
While some sources recommend soft water, I’ve found them to thrive in medium hardness to high hardness water from 5-15 dGH.

Maintain water temperatures between 72-82°F. Perform regular partial water changes to replenish minerals and prevent nitrate accumulation.
Peaceful tankmates are essential with these shy, good-natured fish.
Chili Rasboras appreciate the company of their own kind and mix well with small species like green neon tetras, ember tetras, galaxy rasboras, pygmy corydoras, and non-aggressive killifish.
Avoid mixing them with fin nippers or fish large enough to consume them, including common bettas and guppies. They generally ignore shrimp and snails.
In the aquarium, Chili Rasboras eagerly accept a variety of foods, including powdered flakes, crushed granules, live/frozen baby brine shrimp, microworms, infusoria, and high-quality pellets.
Feed a few small meals daily, only what they can consume within a few minutes, supplementing with spirulina powder or blanched vegetables for variety.
Decoration and Plants
Chili Rasboras feel safest with plenty of fine leaf plants, such as Java Moss, Cabomba, Guppygrass, Hornwort, etc., to simulate their natural environment.
Include some smooth rocks, driftwood, and dim lighting to encourage brighter coloration.
Floating plants give them security and biofilm to graze.
Distinguishing between the sexes is straightforward by the female’s slightly rounder body shape, especially when laden with eggs.
Condition the adults with frequent feedings for optimal breeding health (Learn more about breeding Chili Rasboras).
Chili Rasboras scatter adhesive eggs among plants, rarely in open water. So, provide fine-leafed vegetation like moss for the fry to hide in.
The nearly microscopic babies emerge in 24 hours but survive only by feeding infusoria or powdered specialty fry foods.
Even grown juveniles present tempting bites for adult Chili Rasboras and tankmates, making breeding challenging.
Comparisons With Other Rasboras
Unlike other Boraras species obtained exclusively from blackwater systems, Chili Rasboras thrive in typical community aquariums across a broad pH range.
They tolerate warmer temperatures than White Cloud Mountain minnows and Celestial Pearl Danios.
Chili Rasboras prefer softer, more acidic water than Harlequin Rasboras but adapt more readily to hard, alkaline water than Dwarf Rasboras.
Beginner Questions Answered
Will Chili Rasbora eat fry?
Yes. Adult Chili Rasboras eagerly consume their own vulnerable fry despite the small size difference. Remove fry or breed the fish in a separate tank.
Do chili rasboras like water flow?
Low to moderate water movement suits them best. Avoid strong currents that would tire the fish, but a gentle flow provides beneficial oxygenation.
How many chili Rasboras should I get?
Get at least 6 chili rasboras, though groups of 10-12 encourage better schooling activity in appropriately sized tanks. Buy from the same source for uniform size.
Can you keep 3 chili Rasboras together?
Keeping just 3 is possible but not ideal as they may hide more. Get 6-8 to see their best social group dynamics and coloration.
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