A fascinating aspect of guppy care is observing the remarkable transformation guppy fry undergo as they develop from tiny, fragile newborns to mature adults.
This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the various growth stages and critical milestones in a guppy fry’s journey to adulthood.
Stage 1: Newborn Fry (0-14 Days)
- Length: 1/4 to 1/2 inch
- Features: Transparent, underdeveloped bodies with yolk sac
Guppy fry are born live after a 21-31 day gestation period. They will be transparent, quite small, around 0.6 cm, and have a yolk sac protruding from their belly, which sustains them initially.
Within a few hours after birth, fry straighten out their curved spines and start actively swimming and searching for food.
They grow rapidly in the first two weeks, needing to be fed 4-5 small meals daily.
Stage 2: Maturing Fry (14 Days – 1 Month)
- Length: Approximately 1/2 inch to 1 inch
- Features: Opacity increases, fins and tail develop
The fry develops quickly in the second and third weeks and becomes noticeably more opaque. Their fins, tails, and other features become more distinct.
At 3-4 weeks old, males can be identified by the gonopodium development. Females develop a gravid spot near the anal fin.
Stage 3: Juvenile (1-2 Months)
- Length: 1-1.5 inches
- Features: Bright juvenile coloration emerges
At one-month-old, the fry reaches juvenility. Their bodies are almost entirely opaque, exhibiting the bright color patterns associated with guppies.
However, the colors are not as vivid as they will become. Fry should now be transitioned to 2-3 smaller meals per day.
Stage 4: Sexual Maturity (2-3 Months)
- Length: 1.5-2 inches
- Features: Full adult colors and patterns
At 2-3 months old, the fry reach sexual maturity and are considered young adults.
Their size ranges from 1.5-2 inches. The males actively pursue females, and the females can store sperm and become pregnant.
This is an ideal time to separate the sexes to control breeding. Their colors are now fully developed and vibrant.
Stage 5: Adulthood (3-6 Months)
- Length: Up to 2.5 inches
- Features: Maximum size reached, lifespan commences
By three months old, the guppies have reached their adult size, up to 2.5 inches long, depending on tail type.
Growth slows down dramatically. They are fully mature adults at six months old, and their typical lifespan of 2-3 years commences.
Feed various foods, maintain excellent water quality, and monitor fish health to maximize longevity.
Ideal Time To Add Fry To Main Tank
Guppy fry are highly vulnerable to predation after birth.
They should be kept separate from adult guppies until they reach around 1 inch in length. This occurs between 4-6 weeks of age.
At this size, they are too large to be swallowed by adult guppies and can compete for food.
Continue providing some areas of thick vegetation for hiding spots when first adding to the main tank. Monitor the guppies closely to ensure safety.
With close attention to proper nutrition and tank conditions, you’ll soon have a colorful community of guppies to enjoy.
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