While often confused with one another, rasboras and tetras are distinct types of freshwater fish belonging to different scientific families.
Still, they can live together peacefully in community aquariums when properly cared for.
This article clarifies the differences between the two groups and provides stocking guidance.
The Basics: Rasboras vs Tetras
Rasboras belong to the Cyprinidae family, while tetras are Characins, originating from different regions.
Both comprise hundreds of small, colorful schooling species that are peaceful, active fish suitable for community tanks. However, they have some notable differences:
Size: Tetras tend to grow slightly larger than rasboras on average. Some tetras reach 2-3 inches long compared to 1-2 inches for most rasboras.
Temperature: Many larger tetras prefer a warmer tank in the 75-82°F range. Smaller rasboras do best between 72-78°F.
Care needs: Sensitive species like neon tetras have very specific water chemistry preferences that hardier rasboras may not tolerate. But hardy varieties of both groups share similar needs.
Tank Mate Compatibility
Despite taxonomic differences, most rasboras and tetras can successfully cohabitate.
Their comparable size, temperament, and tendency to occupy distinct areas of the tank make them ideal community residents.
Popular mix-and-match combinations include:
- Neon tetras + harlequin rasboras
- Rummynose tetras + chili or galaxy rasboras
- Cardinal tetras + lambchop rasboras
Even better, consider keeping multiple properly-sized schools of both groups together for added interest and behavior! Just watch the bioload.
Schooling Differences

While rasboras and tetras are peaceful towards tank mates, they will not school together.
Each type prefers remaining in groups of 6-8 or more of their own species. Mixed shoals may lead to nipping, intimidation, and poor health.
Proper schools promote security and display natural behaviors.
Spotlight on Specific Species
With hundreds of varieties, it helps to compare specifics when selecting fish. Some popular rasboras and tetras include:
- Harlequin Rasbora: Orange-red body with black triangular patch; grows to 2 inches
- Chili Rasbora: Pinkish-orange with black midline stripe; tiny at just over 1⁄2 inch

- Neon Tetra: Most famous; blue & red stripes; sensitive water needs
- Ember Tetra: Bright little orange fish staying under 1.5 inches
- Cardinal Tetra: Larger neon relative with more intense red coloration

Final Thoughts: Mix & Match for Success
Combine compatible rasboras and tetras for best results when setting up a community tank.
Stick to peaceful varieties, research care needs, and provide schools of 6+ young fish each. Soon, you’ll have a vibrant, active display!
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