A beginner’s guide to breeding rasboras: setting up the tank, promoting spawning, raising delicate fry, and tips for harlequins, chilis, galaxies, more.
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A Guide to Breeding Chili Rasboras

Discover everything you need to know about breeding chili rasboras with this comprehensive guide.
Rasboras: Livebearers or Egg Layers? Answered

Learn why rasboras are classified as egg layers and how they differ from livebearers. Understand their spawning behaviors.
A Guide to Breeding Neon Tetras

Let’s learn how to breed neon tetras! The Breeding Tank Setup To start, a specialized breeding tank is essential to create an environment ideal for spawning. I suggest a 10-20 gallon aquarium equipped with a gentle sponge filter and floating ...
Population Control Techniques to Stop Platy Fish Breeding

To stop platy fish from breeding, keep males and females in separate tanks, introduce compatible predatory fish like bettas to eat the fry, lower water temperature below 70F, and limit food to reduce pregnancies. With these methods, platy reproduction can ...
Crossbreeding Platy Fish: What’s Possible?

Find out what’s possible with crossbreeding platies.