It’s always disheartening to see your molly fish population decrease due to predation, particularly from your other aquarium inhabitants. The fragility of molly fry makes it necessary to understand the predatory behaviors in your fish community. Perhaps you’ve been asking, ...
FAQ.Fish Latest Articles
What to Feed Neon Tetra Fry? Answered

Neon tetra fry need infusoria, green water, and microworms for the first 1-2 weeks. Then, transition to tiny portions of crushed flakes, frozen bloodworms, boiled vegetables, and hard-boiled egg yolks chopped finely. Reduce the feeding frequency from 4 to 2 ...
Will Neon Tetras Eat Guppy Fry? Answered

Keeping neon tetras and guppies together in a community tank is a popular choice for many aquarium owners. Both fish have peaceful temperaments and share similar water parameter needs. However, one concern when housing these two species together is whether ...
Will Neon Tetras Eat Their Own Fry? Answered

Adult neon tetras will eat their eggs and fry if given the chance. They do not intentionally prey on their young, but will opportunistically eat eggs and newly hatched fry due to the small size. Fry predation is common in ...
Betta Fry Resting at the Tank Bottom? Here’s Why

You may have noticed something peculiar about your baby bettas or “fry.” Unlike their adult counterparts who actively swim around the tank, your little fry often linger near the bottom. This behavior can initially seem concerning, but it’s normal for ...
A Proven Guide to Successfully Raising Betta Fish Fry

You did it – your betta fish pair successfully spawned, and now you have a batch of delicate little fry to care for. It can be a fun experience, but the fry requires proper care. This article will guide you ...
Right Time to Remove the Male Betta Fish from the Fry Tank

If you’ve successfully bred a pair of bettas, well done! Watching the tiny fry emerge and grow is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, there comes a point when you’ll need to separate the male betta from the fry. When ...
A Guide to Betta Fry Feeding: Growing Healthy for a Fight

Raising healthy betta fry requires providing them with the right foods at the right times. As they grow and develop, their nutritional needs change. For the first 1-2 days after hatching, betta fry survives off the egg yolk they absorbed ...
Nurturing Betta Fry in a Grow-Out Tank

One of the key factors in ensuring betta fry’s healthy development is providing a dedicated grow-out tank without any “alpha” minded betta adults. This article will explore the significance of betta fry growth, discuss the steps to set up a ...