Keeping neon tetras and guppies together in a community tank is a popular choice for many aquarium owners.
Both fish have peaceful temperaments and share similar water parameter needs.
However, one concern when housing these two species together is whether the neon tetras will eat newly-hatched guppy fry.
Will Neon Tetras Eat Fry in the Same Tank?
If given the opportunity, neon tetras will likely eat guppy fry in a shared tank.
Neon tetras are omnivores and will eat whatever fits into their mouths.
Newly-hatched guppy fry are extremely small, making them easy prey for hungry neon tetras.
Even though neon tetras are not aggressive fish, their predatory instincts can kick in when presented with tiny, vulnerable fry swimming around the tank.
They do not distinguish between regular food and live fry. To a neon tetra, a guppy fry represents a chance for an easy meal.
Coexistence in a Community Tank
Keeping neon tetras and guppies together in a community tank can work, but steps need to be taken to protect guppy fry.
One option is to move pregnant guppy females to a separate breeding tank prior to giving birth.
This prevents the fry from entering the main tank where the neon tetras reside.
The guppy fry can be kept safely in the breeding tank until they are large enough not to be considered food by the neon tetras.
Another approach is to provide plenty of dense planting in the main tank.
The numerous hiding spots may allow some fry to evade predation by the neon tetras.
However, many fry will still likely get eaten, so this method does not offer full protection.
Preventing Neon Tetras From Eating Fry
Ultimately, the only sure way to prevent neon tetras from eating guppy fry is to keep the two species in separate tanks.
If wanting to breed guppies in a neon tetra tank, be prepared for very low fry survival rates
The neon tetras’ natural predatory behaviors essentially make the tank an unsuitable environment for raising guppy fry.
While keeping active breeder guppies with neon tetras is possible, individuals who hope to regularly collect and raise fry should consider a dedicated guppy-only tank.
This will eliminate neon tetras eating the vulnerable fry.
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Neon tetras and guppies can make compatible community tank mates under the right conditions.
However, neon tetras will likely consume guppy fry if given the opportunity.
Housing pregnant guppies or newly-hatched fry in separate tanks is the best way to prevent predation when keeping these two species together.
With some planning, neon tetras and guppies can coexist while also allowing guppy fry to be successfully raised.
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